Aug 20, 2023

Actions Speak Louder Than Words
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." -Jim Elliot, missionary to Ecuador
Our actions determine what we really have in our hearts. Are we willing to set aside our to-do list, our agenda, to be obedient to God? In this message, Pastor Rich delves into what true faith looks like in a person's life. Beginning with the parable in Matthew 21:28 - 32, he takes us on a journey through the Bible, following a person who was willing to be obedient, even though it could mean death for her and her family--Rahab. Pastor Rich highlights that faith and action cannot be separated.
- Aug 20, 2023Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Aug 20, 2023Actions Speak Louder Than Words"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." -Jim Elliot, missionary to EcuadorOur actions determine what we really have in our hearts. Are we willing to set aside our to-do list, our agenda, to be obedient to God? In this message, Pastor Rich delves into what true faith looks like in a person's life. Beginning with the parable in Matthew 21:28 - 32, he takes us on a journey through the Bible, following a person who was willing to be obedient, even though it could mean death for her and her family--Rahab. Pastor Rich highlights that faith and action cannot be separated.
- Aug 13, 2023Repentance: Death to Sin, Life to Obedience
Aug 13, 2023Repentance: Death to Sin, Life to ObedienceWe all live forever; our decision now determines the outcome of that eternity. In this message, Pastor Rich starts at Genesis 3:22 - 4:8 and breaks down our condition coming out of the garden and how we can change that through obedience to God through the blood of Jesus. Pastor Rich points out that, like Cain, we have let our religion become deluded so that we miss offering God what He wants--our whole heart and allegiance and the desire to please Him. And we must understand that a complete surrender to God means sacrificing our will for God's will.
- Aug 6, 2023Familiarity Breeds Contempt
Aug 6, 2023Familiarity Breeds ContemptTo be familiar with something will cause contempt for that thing. As believers, we can lose the awe of God and His Word that we once had and create an atmosphere where He can no longer work, just as Jesus could not work in His hometown because of familiarity. In this message, Pastor Rich looks at that account in the beginning of Jesus' ministry in Luke 4:16 - 27. Pastor Rich encourages us to continue to press in to all that God has for us and not settle for what we already know or have seen. God will move and it is up to us as to whether we experience that move or if He moves to others who are hungry.
- Jul 30, 2023Let’s Get In This Together
Jul 30, 2023Let’s Get In This TogetherWe cannot accomplish everything we are called to do or be the church we need to be, if we try to do it on our own. We need each other, to work together. In this message, Pastor Rich teaches from Mark 4:35 - 5:20, and reminds us that regardless of our understanding of all that God has called us to, we must be obedient. He reminds us that when we accept Jesus as Lord, our life will change. And no matter the storms in our lives, God is more than able to deliver us through it, to get us to the other side and demonstrate His power.
- Jul 23, 2023Adult & Teen Challenge Indiana
Jul 23, 2023Adult & Teen Challenge IndianaBy: Dave RoseIn this message, Dave Rose, State Director for Adult & Teen Challenge Indiana, gives updates about the organization's fantastic existing and new programs. We also hear testimonies from two ladies who have seen God's miraculous healing in the program. Finally, Dave Rose gives a message from Exodus 29:36 & 37, exhorting us to take our all to the altar, where God alone can make all things holy.
- Jul 16, 2023Taking Shape
Jul 16, 2023Taking ShapeMany things in our lives shape us--some for good and some for not so good. In this message, we hear from missionaries Jonathan & Alisa Lade of Ivy Tech Lafayette Chi Alpha. Following their ministry update, they dive into Acts 17:1 - 15 and remind us that to be molded by God is to be molded by His truth and our lives should be shaped by Jesus and His truth. They point out that we must avoid shaping Scripture to our image; but rather, allow Scripture to shape us into God's image.
- Jul 9, 2023Mighty Warrior?
Jul 9, 2023Mighty Warrior?By: Rich FullerHow could God call a man hiding from the enemy a "mighty warrior" or a "mighty man of valor"? In this message, Rich Fuller walks through the account of Gideon in Judges 6:11 - 23 and correlates it to our walk as believers. Just as God saw Gideon differently than he was in that moment by the winepress, God sees us differently than our current shortcomings. Rich highlights three points from this account that we must not lose sight of if we are to be productive, effective ministers of the Gospel.
- Jul 2, 2023Planting Season
Jul 2, 2023Planting SeasonBy: Joe RyanIn this message, Joe Ryan reminds us, from 1 Corinthians 3:7, that we are responsible for planting and watering seeds and God will make them grow. If the Church is not planting and watering, there is nothing for God to make grow and then, there would be no harvest.
- Jun 25, 2023Christian PPE
Jun 25, 2023Christian PPEBy: Joe RyanIn this message, Joe Ryan looks at Ephesians 6:10 - 17. He reminds us that just as those who work in manufacturing are required to wear PPE, we as believers must put on our PPE for protection. We need to be prepared so that when the enemy strikes, we can stand and continue to stand.
- Jun 18, 2023Women’s Resource Center
Jun 18, 2023Women’s Resource CenterBy: Patti HarveySince 1990, Women’s Resource Pregnancy Center has helped support women in the Crawfordsville and Covington areas experiencing unplanned pregnancies. Starting as a hotline by a small group of concerned individuals, in November of 1991, WRC opened an office in Crawfordsville to offer support services such as baby and maternity clothing and baby furniture to our clients, as well as the ability to provide one-on-one peer counseling. In April 2006, another office was opened in Covington, IN to help serve Fountain County.
WRC's Executive Director, Patti Harvey, gives an update on the work that has been accomplished in the Center. She also gives her testimony and what gets her out of bed everyday. She emphasizes that the goal of Women’s Resource Center is to provide support and practical assistance for women during and after a pregnancy. To learn more or to donate, visit - Jun 11, 2023Come to the Well & Worship
Jun 11, 2023Come to the Well & WorshipBy: Pablo FigueroaThe Church seems to have fallen asleep and quit seeking what it is that God wants. We have fallen into "routine". In this message, Pablo Figueroa encourages us from John 4:3 - 26 and reminds us that our passion and enthusiasm for the things of God and His Presence should never wane. They should be ever increasing in intensity and volume, to the point that the whole world takes notice and sees Who God is.
- Jun 4, 2023To Throw the Stone
Jun 4, 2023To Throw the StoneBy: Isaac HughesIn this message, Isaac Hughes looks at the account of the woman brought before Jesus in John 8:1 - 11. He looks at the religious leaders reasons for bringing her at that moment, in front of swarms of people. And he lays out three points as to how this account is directly applicable to us today.
- May 28, 2023The Meeting Place
May 28, 2023The Meeting PlaceBy: Robert WillardMissionaries Robert & Judy Willard give updates about their ministry in Cleveland, OH. They pastor The Meeting Place church, as well as run The Learning Center, The Meeting Place Preschool, and The Tavern Coffeehouse. You can check out their ministry videos here and here or visit their website at or
- May 14, 2023Crushed in Soul
May 14, 2023Crushed in SoulBy: Isaac HughesIn this message, Isaac Hughes walks through the story of Hannah, found in 1 Samuel 1 and 2. Her story is remarkably relevant to our lives today. We can learn from her that God does indeed see us. And if God has not provided what we have prayed for, it does not always mean that we are not going to get it. As Hannah did, we must learn to pour our hearts out to God and seek Him, standing firm and keeping our faith in Him.
- May 7, 2023Stages in the Desert
May 7, 2023Stages in the DesertBy: Isaac Hughes"Not everybody's gonna go out and change the world. But everybody can change someone's world." In this message, Isaac Hughes breaks down three stages in the life of Moses and correlates that to our salvation journey. He highlights how we can, as Moses did, step out in the direction to which God is calling us, even when it does not make sense or we do not see the next step. We must trust God Who sees the bigger picture.
- Apr 30, 2023Are We There Yet?
Apr 30, 2023Are We There Yet?By: Rich FullerThe question has been heard by every parent on a road trip--"Are we there yet!?", most often with a tone of exasperation. This is where we find the Israelites in Numbers 13:1 - 3. They had seen God's deliverance from Egypt and provision in the wilderness and they were getting ready to move into the next phase. But where God was taking them would require them to walk in faith and rely on Him. As Rich Fuller highlights, we see, through the Israelites experience, that when God gives us direction, our only responsibility is to begin to walk in that direction and not figure out how everything is going to work out or how we are going to accomplish His directives. Full reliance on God is our only objective.
- Apr 23, 2023This Comes by Prayer and Fasting
Apr 23, 2023This Comes by Prayer and FastingBy: Rich FullerWhen we become familiar, we take for granted. The Church in America has lost her relevancy and we have become spectators instead of being difference makers in our country because God's voice is not being heard and we have lost sight of Jesus. In this message, Rich Fuller expounds on the Transfiguration in Matthew 17:1 - 8 and reminds us that we need to hear God's voice and see the needs of the people and meet those needs. We must resist familiarity and allow Jesus to have the place of supremacy in our lives so we can speak His Truth and Life into people's lives.
- Apr 16, 2023The Thought Battle
Apr 16, 2023The Thought BattleBy: Pablo FigueroaGod invites us everyday into His Presence and to respond to the things He wants to do; but we have to accept the invitation; we have to want it. Our choice to worship God no matter the circumstance is what brings about the victory. In this message, Pablo Figueroa looks at what our real battle is as Christians--the battle to stay awake, to stay in the the Spirit, to stay in the fire of the Holy Ghost, so that, when He comes, we are ready. He walks through the Biblical tools that will help us keep our minds "on the things above", including 2 Timothy 1:7, Romans 12:1 and 2 and 2 Corinthians 10:5.
- Apr 9, 2023A Root Out of Dry Ground
Apr 9, 2023A Root Out of Dry GroundBy: Pablo FigueroaIn this Easter celebration message, Pablo Figueroa looks at the Passion of Jesus from a different perspective. He highlights the parallels between an olive tree, the harvesting of olives and their properties and Jesus' life, death and resurrection. Reading from Luke 22:39 - 46 and Isaiah 53:1 - 10, Pablo gives us another reason to rejoice at all that Jesus accomplished on the cross and reminds us that He lived to die for us.
- Apr 2, 2023The Servant King
Apr 2, 2023The Servant KingBy: Rich FullerOn that first Palm Sunday, the crowd was excited with the arrival of the Messiah and filled with the hope of being set free. But, they did not understand the "how" of how Jesus was going to set them free. As Adam brought sin into the world, it became necessary for an offering to atone for that sin; a sacrifice was needed, a pure and spotless lamb--the Lamb of God. In this message, Rich Fuller looks are several passages, two being John 1:29 - 31 and John 12:12 - 16, and highlights the fact that Jesus never lost the focus of His purpose for being on earth. He was THE final, ultimate Passover Lamb.