Jan 19, 2020

Pathway to a Birthright Blessing
♫ "A double pleasure is waiting for you..." ♫ Although Elisha did not have the gum commercial to influence his request of a double portion, that was his desire as his mentor Elijah was taken from him. In this message, Pastor Chris explains that, as heirs with Christ, we also can claim the "double portion", the birthright blessing. He walks through 2 Kings 2:1 - 14 and shows the pathway to that blessing.
- Jan 19, 2020Pathway to a Birthright Blessing
Jan 19, 2020Pathway to a Birthright Blessing♫ "A double pleasure is waiting for you..." ♫ Although Elisha did not have the gum commercial to influence his request of a double portion, that was his desire as his mentor Elijah was taken from him. In this message, Pastor Chris explains that, as heirs with Christ, we also can claim the "double portion", the birthright blessing. He walks through 2 Kings 2:1 - 14 and shows the pathway to that blessing.
- Jan 15, 2020If God Be God?
Jan 15, 2020If God Be God?In this message, Pastor Anthony Le Blanc looks at 1 Kings 18:20 - 21 and discusses what it looks like if we truly believe that God is God. He points out several things that should characterize our lives as believers if we are letting God be God.
- Jan 12, 2020The God of Fire and the Fire of God
Jan 12, 2020The God of Fire and the Fire of GodIn today's message, Pastor Chris walks us through Elijah's confrontation on Mt. Carmel in 1 Kings 18:16 - 46. Pastor Chris reminds us that we need the fire of God in our lives to catch the attention of the people to whom we minister and influence. And for real change, to make an lasting difference, we need the real power of God--His fire. We cannot rely on flashy substitutes or manipulations.
- Jan 8, 2020Frustrations in Fasting
Jan 8, 2020Frustrations in FastingDo you ever wonder why Jesus went into the wilderness following His baptism? As Pastor Chris highlights from Matthew 4:1 - 11, Jesus went because He was led by the Spirit. He knew the temptation was coming, so He fasted and prayed so that He might withstand it. He was in a place of utter exposure in the wilderness and, after forty days and nights of fasting, He was at His weakest point physically. Yet, He conquered the tempter! As we move forward in our prayer and fasting and encounter challenges, we can be encouraged by this fact--Jesus conquered so that we can conquer.
- Jan 5, 202020/20 Vision
Jan 5, 202020/20 VisionSeries: (All)As people of God, we have a different vision than those in the world. In today's message, Pastor Chris references 2 Chronicles 20:1 - 26 and exhorts us to have "20/20 vision" (2 Chronicles 20:20). We need to ask ourselves, "Where does our faith lie?"
- Jan 1, 2020Prayer & Fasting Q & A
Jan 1, 2020Prayer & Fasting Q & AAs we begin our church fast, Pastor Chris takes some time to answer some questions and encourage more on the subject of fasting.
- Dec 29, 2019Prayer & Fasting
Dec 29, 2019Prayer & FastingIn this "nuts and bolts" message, Pastor Chris discusses some basic ideas regarding the discipline of prayer and fasting, referencing Matthew 6:1 - 18. As we head into a new year, we want to be in sync with God and His plans. By praying and fasting, we are volunteering for whatever God wants to do in our lives and in our hearts.
- Dec 22, 2019The Eternal Child
Dec 22, 2019The Eternal ChildCan we fully comprehend what it meant for Jesus to put on humanity in the incarnation? In this Christmas message, Pastor Chris takes a different approach and looks at the nativity from Jesus's perspective, using John 1:1 - 18 as the reference. We need to understand what it must have been like for Christ to take on flesh and the pain of that decision. And we must be forever grateful that He willingly chose to take on the predicament of our pain.
- Dec 18, 2019Big Three For Me
Dec 18, 2019Big Three For MeIn this message, Pastor Anthony looks at three factors that should characterize our lives as believers. He highlights our necessity to forgive others, to extend grace to those in our lives and to walk in love so that we prove ourselves to be Jesus' disciples.
- Dec 15, 2019Mission Completed
Dec 15, 2019Mission CompletedWe are the first generation in the history of the Church that can fulfill the Great Commission. We have within our grasp the opportunity to touch the entire world and bring the King back! With this message, Pastor Chris encourages us from Matthew 24:1 - 14 with an equation on how we can take this rich opportunity and reach all people with the Gospel.
- Dec 11, 2019A Discussion About Depression
Dec 11, 2019A Discussion About DepressionSeries: Conquering Emotional BattlesLooking at 2 Corinthians 7:2 - 16 as a jumping-off point, Pastor Chris leads a discussion regarding depression. Several ideas are discussed to answer questions such as "why do people get depressed?" and "what can be done when we are depressed?".
- Dec 8, 2019The Caleb Connection
Dec 8, 2019The Caleb ConnectionWinston Churchill is noted as saying that "success is going from one failure unto another without losing your enthusiasm." In this message, Pastor Chris encourages us from Joshua 14:6 - 15 to be people of faith and perseverance just as Caleb was. We need to look at our situations and speak to them in faith as he did.
- Dec 4, 2019Facing Fear
Dec 4, 2019Facing FearSeries: Conquering Emotional BattlesAs Pastor Chris begins with Genesis 3:1 - 10, he points out that the first consequence of the fall was fear. Satan does not want us doing anything productive for God's kingdom and fear is one of his most potent weapons used to keep us immobile. We must learn to answer with faith when fear is knocking at our door and remember that as God has taken care of our past with His grace and mercy, He will also take care of our future.
- Dec 1, 2019The People We Ought To Be
Dec 1, 2019The People We Ought To BeHow should we be as Christians while we wait for Jesus's return? Reading from 2 Peter 3, Pastor Chris points out three characteristics that we should exemplify as we anticipate Christ's return. We do have to make a decision as to how we will live; we cannot have the world and Christ at the same time.
- Nov 24, 2019The Half Full Life
Nov 24, 2019The Half Full LifeHaving a thankful attitude makes us better people. But how can we maintain a thankful attitude amid a thankless culture? Pastor Chris gives us three points from 1 Thessalonians 5:12 - 22 to actualize an attitude of thankfulness in our lives.
- Nov 20, 2019Weathering Worry
Nov 20, 2019Weathering WorrySeries: Conquering Emotional BattlesNowhere in Scripture do we read where God says that to show how much we care, we need to worry. In fact, as Pastor Chris shows from Matthew 6:25 - 34 and Philippians 4:4 - 7, the exact opposite is true. He points out that the antidote to worry is prayer. And it is our job to do everything in our power and leave the deficit for God to make up.
- Nov 17, 2019The Believer’s Secret to a Favored Life
Nov 17, 2019The Believer’s Secret to a Favored LifeAs Pastor Chris lays out for us in this message, Psalm 1 shows that to live the blessed, favored life that God wants for us, we have choices to make in how we live. And there is a direct connection in the believer's life to the favor and success that they enjoy to the that on which they meditate.
- Nov 13, 2019Surviving Stress
Nov 13, 2019Surviving StressSeries: Conquering Emotional BattlesHow can we heed the exhortation found in James 1:2 - 8 to "count it all joy" as we find ourselves in the midst of life's stresses? Pastor Chris takes us through this passage and gives us three tips on how to successfully walk through life's stressful seasons.
- Nov 10, 2019Healed but Not Healed
Nov 10, 2019Healed but Not HealedIn this message, Pastor Chris looks at Luke 5:17 - 26. In this passage, we see the Lord's power and ability to heal and we see faith to receive. But, as Pastor Chris emphasizes, we also see the courage it takes to receive the healing. Some people will never receive transformation in their life because they do not have the courage to do so. Before Pastor Chris's message, we hear from Tammy Tidd of House of Grace as she gives an update on the ministry and the life transformations that are happening there.
- Nov 6, 2019The Priority of Purity – Part 2
Nov 6, 2019The Priority of Purity – Part 2In this continuation of "The Priority of Purity" message, Pastor Chris focuses on the character of Esau mentioned in the Hebrews 12:14 - 17 passage. As he points out, Esau, who trivialized spiritual things, represents people living after the flesh. Whereas his brother, Jacob, though not a pure representation, represents those living after the spirit. Esau was willing to trade the blessing for his fleshly satiation. We need to take heed and not trivialize or throw away the blessings and opportunities that God gives to us.