Mar 26, 2023

Move Away From the Gate
By: Rich Fuller
"Despair is a delusion. The battle is over. You have already conquered; victory is yours."
In this message, guest minister Rich Fuller exhorts us that the battle is the Lord's. We have sat in fear for too long, failing to remember that the enemy has already been vanquished. As the lepers discovered in 2 Kings 7:3 - 9, our responsibility is to get up and move from where we are to advance the Kingdom of God. We have a future and an eternal hope; we do well to tell others, because they are desolate, not knowing Jesus.
In this message, guest minister Rich Fuller exhorts us that the battle is the Lord's. We have sat in fear for too long, failing to remember that the enemy has already been vanquished. As the lepers discovered in 2 Kings 7:3 - 9, our responsibility is to get up and move from where we are to advance the Kingdom of God. We have a future and an eternal hope; we do well to tell others, because they are desolate, not knowing Jesus.
- Mar 26, 2023Move Away From the Gate
Mar 26, 2023Move Away From the GateBy: Rich Fuller"Despair is a delusion. The battle is over. You have already conquered; victory is yours."
In this message, guest minister Rich Fuller exhorts us that the battle is the Lord's. We have sat in fear for too long, failing to remember that the enemy has already been vanquished. As the lepers discovered in 2 Kings 7:3 - 9, our responsibility is to get up and move from where we are to advance the Kingdom of God. We have a future and an eternal hope; we do well to tell others, because they are desolate, not knowing Jesus. - Mar 19, 2023Sealed for the Father’s Business
Mar 19, 2023Sealed for the Father’s BusinessBy: Pablo FigueroaIn this message, guest minister Pablo Figueroa discusses what we should be about as disciples of Jesus Christ, following His example from Luke 2:49. He takes a brief look at the two covenants of God and reminds us that, in this new covenant, we are sealed by the blood of the Lamb to do the work of the Lord, 2 Corinthians 5:21. Our main focus should always be to be about our Father's business.
- Mar 5, 2023Are You All In?
Mar 5, 2023Are You All In?By: Pablo FigueroaIn this message, guest minister Pablo Figueroa looks at John 11:1 - 46 and asks, "What kind of Christian are you?" From this passage, he highlights three different kinds, all of which are loved by Jesus but produce very different results in their lives. Deciding which believer we will be determines what we can accomplish in this life for the Kingdom of God.
- Feb 26, 2023Confession to Forgiven
Feb 26, 2023Confession to ForgivenTrue revival begins with repentance. If we desire to see revival in our lives and churches, we must understand what that truly looks like. In this message, Pastor Anthony looks at two passages regarding repentance--1 John 1:9 and Psalm 51. He walks through these verses and lays out how we can make this a lifestyle and allow God to move in us so that He can move through us.
- Feb 12, 2023No Excuses
Feb 12, 2023No Excuses"Man is not irresponsible because he is ill; he is ill because he is irresponsible." William Glasser A recent awards show performance put on full display the critical state in which we find our culture. We have become an age marked by victimization--"it's not my fault". In this message, Pastor Chris looks at Romans 1:18 - 32 and highlights three ways in which we can take charge of our lives, instead of making excuses and becoming a casualty of this present evil culture.
- Feb 5, 2023Dynamic Decisions
Feb 5, 2023Dynamic DecisionsBlessings in life typically do not come by chance; they come by choice. In this message, Pastor Chris looks at the priestly duties found in Exodus 28:29 - 30. From these verses, we find four duties that we, as a kingdom of priests, need to implement in our lives.
- Jan 29, 2023Crying Out to God
Jan 29, 2023Crying Out to GodThis service was dedicated to praying and petitioning God for the sake of our nation, family, friends and church. Pastor Anthony Le Blanc led, while also inviting several congregants to come before the Lord in prayer, seeking His will and declaring His Word over our circumstances. Pastor Anthony also reminded us about the power that is in the Name of Jesus.
- Jan 22, 2023The Forgotten Water Jar
Jan 22, 2023The Forgotten Water Jar"When Jesus was in the presence of sinners, He dreamed of saints." Jesus' criteria for people whom He could and would use are vastly different from our criteria--from the disciples He chose to work with Him to the choosing of the woman at the well to plant the seeds for a Samaritan revival. When we encounter Jesus, we must leave some things in order to move on in God. As Pastor Chris looks at the account the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4:1 - 29, he speaks to several ideas that we can embrace as we allow Jesus to take us from where are to where He wants us to be.
- Jan 15, 2023Are We Yet Alive?
Jan 15, 2023Are We Yet Alive?If Holy Spirit were to take our vital signs as believers, would any be found? In this message, Pastor Chris references Jesus' assessment of the church of Sardis, in Revelation 3:1 - 5. He highlights the tell-tale signs of a living church and signs that can be seen in the life of a believer who is truly living for Christ.
- Jan 8, 2023Possibility Thinking
Jan 8, 2023Possibility Thinking"Anyone can count the seeds in an apple; but only God can count the number of apples in a seed." Robert H. Schuller Often, we cannot fully understand the possibilities that are available to us. We have to learn how to trust God to open our imagination and then, to trust Him to take us into the seemingly impossible. In this message, Pastor Chris looks at Mark 9:17 - 24 and highlights three points from this father's encounter with Jesus that we can apply to our lives to live in the God-possibilities.
- Jan 1, 2023New Mercies, A New Day
Jan 1, 2023New Mercies, A New DayHave you ever needed a fresh start or made a mess of life or ever felt, as the prophet Jeremiah lamented, "The enemy has won."? Where can we find hope in these times of distress? In this New Year's message, Pastor Chris brings encouragement from Lamentations 3:19 - 26 for those very moments in life. He reminds us, as the prophet was reminded, that hope is found only in One--in God, Who is faithful. And He has new mercies...Every. Single. Morning!
- Dec 21, 2022The Dawning Light
Dec 21, 2022The Dawning LightAs we celebrate the Light of the world being born in Bethlehem, it is a good time to remember that we are also to be lights in our world. In this Christmas message, Pastor Chris looks at Isaiah 9:2 and 6, the Old Testament prophet's declaration of the promised Light to come. Pastor Chris also reminds us of the Light's word to us in Matthew 5:14 - 16, that as He is the Light in us, we are to be His light in the world.
- Dec 18, 2022The Sounds of Christmas
Dec 18, 2022The Sounds of Christmas"You can give without ever really loving; but you cannot love without giving." God so loved that He gave (John 3:16, 17). During this season, we celebrate the greatest gift ever given. This gift was not placed under a tree, but nailed to a tree--our Savior, Immanuel, Jesus. In this message, Pastor Chris looks at the account of the nativity in Luke 2:1 - 18. Although the imagery may be familiar, how often are the sounds of that event considered? Pastor Chris highlights three of those sounds heard that night and encourages us to emulate those sounds in our own lives.
- Dec 11, 2022Our Great God
Dec 11, 2022Our Great GodThere have been people throughout history who have accomplished such things to be called "great" and earn a level of admiration. But none compare to the greatness of our God. In this message, Pastor Chris looks at Joshua 10:1 - 15, which gives one illustration of a greatness that can only come from God Almighty. From this passage, Pastor Chris also highlights four things about God's greatness that should enlarge our concept of what can be accomplished through Him.
- Dec 4, 2022Where is Your Hope?
Dec 4, 2022Where is Your Hope?As the world seems to be spinning out of control, we need to be vigilant in keeping our hope in Jesus Christ alone. In this message, Pastor Anthony walks through the warnings from Jesus, in Matthew 24:3 - 14, regarding the end times. He encourages us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, our immovable foundation and everlasting strength, and to stay grounded in the Word of God so that we can remain unshaken in these turbulent times.
- Nov 27, 2022Grateful Hearts
Nov 27, 2022Grateful HeartsWe have to make the choice to live a thankful life and value gratitude. Out of a thankful life flows many good and positive things. In this message, Pastor Chris expounds on what we can see gratitude bring in our lives, centered on 1 Thessalonians 5:16 - 18.
- Nov 20, 2022Thankful, Safe, and Secure
Nov 20, 2022Thankful, Safe, and Secure“When it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.”—G. K. ChestertonAs our culture seemingly becomes more entitled and ungrateful, we must never under value the importance of giving thanks. In this message, Pastor Chris looks at Jude's letter, where we are given reason to be thankful. In Jude 1 and 21 - 25, we see three points that remind us to be thankful because, in God, we are safe and secure.
- Nov 13, 2022Where Is Your God?
Nov 13, 2022Where Is Your God?Loneliness--one of the most painful feelings we experience in this life. In those moments of loneliness, our emotions will tell us that God has left us. But faith will tell us that God is near and we have to learn to function out of that faith. What does that look like practically? In this message, Pastor Chris looks at Psalm 42 and Psalm 43 and lays out the three "I will's" that we see the Psalmist exercise in his moments of overwhelming despair and loneliness. As we learn to work these out in our life, we can navigate those moments when we feel despair and hopelessness.
- Nov 6, 2022Walking in Truth
Nov 6, 2022Walking in Truth"One word of truth, spoken in season, can outweigh the whole world." -Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
One of the greatest keys to living a holy life is living a life of truth. Unfortunately though, in today's society, tolerance is emphasized over truth. We must remember that tolerance is not a moral principle, truth is. And values are relative, truth is absolute. In this message, Pastor Chris lays out three aspects of truth, referencing 3 John 2 - 4, that we need to walk out a life of truth in a world of deceit. - Oct 30, 2022Leaven in the Lump
Oct 30, 2022Leaven in the Lump"You're never going to get thoroughbreds from the breeding of mules." E.V. Hill
Our quality of life is not just determined by our faith and effort, but also by the people with which we surround ourselves. Our influences also include everything around us and we have to guard ourselves from those influences that have negative impacts on our lives. In this message, Pastor Chris points out from 1 Corinthians 5:6 - 8 three aspects of leaven, sin, that we need to be aware of so that we can remove it from our life before it has detrimental consequences. Our mindfulness of this is critical, not only for our sake, but for the sake of our family.