May 22, 2022

Speaking In Tongues?
Interestingly, to show the evidence of Holy Spirit's infilling, God chose to use the tongue--a member of the body that is described in James 3:5 as capable of defiling the whole body. Although, in and of ourselves, we are unable to control the tongue, God uses it as this evidence to show our dependence on Him to reign in its capabilities. In this message, Pastor Chris lays out three points from James 3:1 - 12 that will guide us in our journey to control the tongue and use it for good rather than evil.
- May 22, 2022Speaking In Tongues?
May 22, 2022Speaking In Tongues?Interestingly, to show the evidence of Holy Spirit's infilling, God chose to use the tongue--a member of the body that is described in James 3:5 as capable of defiling the whole body. Although, in and of ourselves, we are unable to control the tongue, God uses it as this evidence to show our dependence on Him to reign in its capabilities. In this message, Pastor Chris lays out three points from James 3:1 - 12 that will guide us in our journey to control the tongue and use it for good rather than evil.
- May 8, 2022Having a Positive Family In a Negative World
May 8, 2022Having a Positive Family In a Negative WorldParenthood is the greatest ministry in the world. In a culture that is increasingly diminishing parenthood's value, how can we grow strong, healthy families? Pastor Chris answers that question in this Mother's Day message, centered on 1 Thessalonians 1:3. He also emphasizes the critical role that mothers have in rearing a strong, healthy family.
- May 1, 2022Working Out
May 1, 2022Working OutWe really only have control over two things in our life--our attitude and our effort. Although we are saved by grace, true salvation is evidenced in our works. In this message, Pastor Chris continues the journey through James with James 2:14 - 26 and discusses how the ideas of "saved by grace" and "faith without works is dead" are not contradictory, but rather, complimentary.
- Apr 24, 2022Beating Bias
Apr 24, 2022Beating BiasDiscrimination can have all sorts of faces. But, in the Kingdom of God, we all stand on the same foundation and the Gospel is a "whosoever" Gospel. In this message, Pastor Chris continues teaching through the book James and come to James 2:1 - 13. He exhorts us to be diligent in our witness by remembering that how we treat others really determines our level of maturity as Believers.
- Apr 10, 2022Nailing It To the Cross
Apr 10, 2022Nailing It To the CrossThe greatest mystery of all is the mystery of the cross. Why was it necessary? Was it a back-up plan for man's failure in the garden? In this message, Pastor Chris answers those questions and opens up Colossians 2:13 - 15, showing the great transaction that took place at the cross--our transgressions transferred to Jesus, and His grace transferred to us. Because of this, we can live without condemnation, knowing that we are reconciled to God through the blood of Jesus Christ.
- Apr 3, 2022Five-Legged Dogs
Apr 3, 2022Five-Legged Dogs"You can call a tail a leg if you want to. But a dog will still only have four legs." -Abraham Lincoln. We are living in a time when people are trying to redefine right and wrong. In this message, Pastor Chris comes to James 1:26 - 27 in his walk through the book of James. He reminds us that it is not just what we believe that makes the difference; but how that belief affects our behavior, our living. He highlights three points from the passage that will enable us to live out "pure and undefiled religion".
- Mar 20, 2022Don’t Just Hear…DO
Mar 20, 2022Don’t Just Hear…DODreams do not work unless we do. To truly make an impact with our life, we cannot just be listeners; we must transition to doers and put feet to our faith. We must come to the point where we put into practice what we have been hearing, because what we do not respond to we will lose. In his continuation of the journey through James, Pastor Chris digs into James 1:22 - 25 and exhorts us to embrace a life of doing.
- Mar 6, 2022The Move of God In Your Life
Mar 6, 2022The Move of God In Your LifeThere is a rich history of God moving in the Church throughout the ages. But, we must remember that we need the move of God in our own personal life. As we pray for God to move in our communities, churches and countries, we must first pray that He moves in us. In this message, Pastor Chris continues teaching about Holy Spirit infilling and lays out the four "A's" we need to see God move in our life.
- Feb 27, 2022The Baptism of Holy Spirit
Feb 27, 2022The Baptism of Holy SpiritTo even be capable of living a holy life, we need the power of Holy Spirit. Our life must be Spirit-led, Spirit-inspired, Spirit-filled. In this message, Pastor Chris digs into what that Spirit-filled life looks like and discusses the experience that is subsequent to salvation. As he digs into the upper room account, found in Acts 2:1 - 12 and 2:37 - 39, he highlights that this infilling is for and needed by every believer.
- Feb 20, 2022Deconstructing the Holy Life
Feb 20, 2022Deconstructing the Holy LifeAs people of the Word, we are to pursue holiness. In fact, without it we cannot see God (Hebrews 12:14). So, biblically, what does holiness look like? Is it a list of do's and don'ts, a particular dress code, a prohibition of where or with whom we can hang out? In this message, Pastor Chris lays out what a holy life looks likes, according to James 1:19 - 21, and exhorts us to live our lives by Holy Spirit and not by flesh.
- Feb 13, 2022The Goodness of God
Feb 13, 2022The Goodness of GodEveryone, at some point in life, will have to walk tough roads and will have tough questions that need answers. In those moments, we will be tempted to question God's goodness. We will be tempted to believe what we feel about the situation or what we have heard someone say about the situation. In this message, Pastor Chris lays out the strategy, referencing James 1:16 - 18, for standing in faith and believing what God says about the situation. Pastor Chris reminds us that God is our Source to meet any and every need we have.
- Feb 6, 2022L.S.D.
Feb 6, 2022L.S.D.Evangelist R. G. Lee once said, "Sin will always take your farther than you want to go; it will always cost you more that you want to pay; and it will always keep you longer than you want to stay." No one is exempt from temptation and being tempted is not sinning. Acting on the the temptation is where the sin lies. In this message, Pastor Chris teaches from James 1:12 - 15, laying out the deathly progression: lust → sin → death. He reminds us though, that enduring through the crucible of temptation brings the crown of reward.
- Jan 23, 2022The Signs of the Times
Jan 23, 2022The Signs of the TimesGod, in His infinite wisdom, gave us prophecy to foretell how the world would go, so that we would not be taken by surprise. When we know how things are going to turn out, it changes the whole sense of who we are and how we live. In this message, Pastor Chris takes us through Matthew 24:1 - 25 and reminds us to stay alert and not be deceived by Satan in these last days.
- Jan 16, 2022Christian Counterculture
Jan 16, 2022Christian CountercultureIs there a solution to the problem of poverty? As Pastor Chris looks at James 1:9 - 11, he digs into this question, reminding us that God has blessed us to be a blessing. God has no problem with people having things; but He does have a problem with those things not being used to help others. The antithesis to poverty is not material prosperity; the antithesis to poverty is enough. The Church must not get swept into the mainstream thought of collecting things just to have the most things. We must see our blessings as a means to bless the less fortunate.
- Jan 9, 2022Wonderful Wisdom
Jan 9, 2022Wonderful WisdomWe live in a time of escalating availability and accessibility of knowledge. But, there is a world of difference between knowledge and wisdom. In this message, Pastor Chris teaches from James 1:5 - 8 the difference between knowledge and wisdom. He encourages us, as we see the world around us devolve despite the prevalence of knowledge, to have the prayer readily available on our lips, "God, give me wisdom!"
- Jan 2, 2022Blessings and Battles
Jan 2, 2022Blessings and BattlesOnce we become believers, our lives become smooth and easy...right? In this message, Pastor Chris reminds us that, as believers, we are fighting a real war against an enemy whose intentions for us and ours are not good. And, just because we find ourselves in the midst of a struggle does not mean that we missed God. He points out several observations from James 1:1 - 4 and brings encouragement to press on in God.
- Dec 19, 2021The Infinite Became an Infant
Dec 19, 2021The Infinite Became an InfantWhat is the true message of Christmas? A baby in a manger? Shepherds and angels? The wise men? In this message, Pastor Chris looks at 2 Corinthians 8:1 - 9 to reveal the true message of Christmas--Jesus emptying Himself for our sake. In this passage, Pastor Chris points out that Paul referenced the ultimate illustration of generosity, the ultimate example of giving, the quintessential picture of what a life of giving looks like for every believer, everywhere. During this season that has morphed into a "what will I get" attitude, let us remember and exemplify Jesus' attitude at the first Christmas, "what can I give".
- Dec 12, 2021Refresh, Revive, Remember
Dec 12, 2021Refresh, Revive, RememberIn this message, Pastor Anthony looks at Romans 12:9 & 10 and discusses how we should behave as Believers. He points out that the lifestyle laid out in the passage can only be lived through faith and the power of Holy Spirit.
- Dec 5, 2021We Have Come to Worship Him
Dec 5, 2021We Have Come to Worship HimOne of the greatest miracles we can experience in the Christmas season is to get our mind around the visit of the Magi from the east and understand their purpose in coming. Their reason--to worship Messiah. The goal of our lives should be to bring honor and reverence to God. In this message, Pastor Chris looks at the account of the Magi in Matthew 2:1 - 12 and brings out three points from their worship that we need to incorporate in our worship of Jesus.
- Nov 28, 2021Conformed or Transformed?
Nov 28, 2021Conformed or Transformed?Holy Spirit's work is making us into the image of Christ Himself. As we offer ourselves before the Lord, as a living sacrifice, there is something that goes on within us where we are being transformed. In this message, Pastor Chris encourages us from Romans 12:1 and 2, reminding us that we ultimately become what we worship and that God is looking for people who will not only die for Him, but people who will live for Him.