Nov 21, 2021

When Thanks is Tough
"When it comes to life, the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude." G. K. Chesterton. One of the marks of real spiritual maturity is the ability to give thanks when life gets tough. In this message, Pastor Chris marks out three things, from 1 Thessalonians 5:16 - 18, that thanksgiving does in our lives. There is something to be said for the great grace that is exemplified in a heart of thanksgiving.
- Nov 21, 2021When Thanks is Tough
Nov 21, 2021When Thanks is Tough"When it comes to life, the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude." G. K. Chesterton. One of the marks of real spiritual maturity is the ability to give thanks when life gets tough. In this message, Pastor Chris marks out three things, from 1 Thessalonians 5:16 - 18, that thanksgiving does in our lives. There is something to be said for the great grace that is exemplified in a heart of thanksgiving.
- Nov 14, 2021Three Stone Cold Lead Pipe Locks
Nov 14, 2021Three Stone Cold Lead Pipe LocksWhat are the immovable, non-negotiable tenants of our faith? In the depths of our souls, we must have a bedrock foundational belief that is unshakable. In this message, Pastor Chris points to three of those "lead pipe locks" found in Ephesians 3:14 - 21.
- Nov 7, 2021Does God Really Want Me Happy?
Nov 7, 2021Does God Really Want Me Happy?What is happiness really? Everybody wants to be happy, but few would say that they have ever found it. The Bible, however, is filled with the idea of happiness, using the word "blessed". These blessings are gifts from God that are not contingent upon life's circumstances. In this message, Pastor Chris takes us through Psalm 1, and gives us three points to finding our happiness in our relationship with God.
- Oct 31, 2021Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude
Oct 31, 2021Your Attitude Determines Your AltitudeSomeone with a bad attitude almost always cannot be helped. But it is too easy to get caught up in negativity when we do not guard our hearts. While under house arrest, Paul maintained a proper attitude and was able to encourage the Philippian church to rejoice in God. In this message, Pastor Chris takes a deep dive into Philippians 4:4 - 7 and highlights three aspects of real joy. He also points out that our level of joy is based on what is going on within us rather than what is going on around us.
- Oct 24, 2021The Sacrifice of Praise
Oct 24, 2021The Sacrifice of PraiseAs believers, we are in a fight of faith and God has not left us weaponless. Our weapons are the Name of Jesus, the Word of God and the Blood of the Lamb. Unfortunately, many Christians do not even know what their weapons are, let alone know how to wield them. In this message, Pastor Chris expounds on Hebrews 13:15 and 16. He delves into how we launch our spiritual weapons into the heavenly realm where the real battle takes place--through prayer, proclamation and praise. Of these three, his focus in this message is praise.
- Oct 17, 2021The Lost SonS
Oct 17, 2021The Lost SonSWe are battling in our time a certain mentality within the body of Christ of people who are so disconnected from the world in which they live, that they do not recognize the needs around them. The Church needs a paradigm shift when it comes to the love and grace and mercy of God towards those who are away from Him. In this message, Pastor Chris wraps up his series on Luke 15, looking at the final parable in verses 11 - 32. He points out that, although we are well aware of the lost son who left home, there was another lost son who also needed to repent--the one who stayed home but became self-righteous. Self-righteousness can put us as far away from God as going into a "far country".
- Oct 10, 2021Greater Than
Oct 10, 2021Greater ThanIn this message, Pastor Anthony looks at the different characters we see in the passage from Luke 7:36 - 50. He reminds us that we must remain humble like the woman who worshipped Jesus and not allow ourselves to become arrogant and proud like the Pharisees. We must remember that God is greater than our past, greater than our sins, greater than our shortcomings, greater than all.
- Oct 3, 2021The Lost Coin
Oct 3, 2021The Lost CoinThe value of an object is based on what someone is willing to pay for it, no matter what other value is placed on it. God revealed our value by the exorbitant price He paid for us through the cross of Jesus Christ. In this message, Pastor Chris continues looking at the parables in Luke 15, focusing on verses 8 - 10. We are reminded that because of our value to God, He will not abandon His search for a lost soul. And, as believers, we should mimic His desire to see the lost come to Jesus.
- Sep 26, 2021The Lost Sheep
Sep 26, 2021The Lost SheepThe Lord never wants us to forget His burden for people without Him. In this message, Pastor Chris dives into Luke 15, beginning with the first parable in verses 1 - 7 and points out that the subject of this, and the following parables, is not the lost sheep; but rather, the response of the shepherd to that lost sheep. He exhorts us to not become callous to the lost people around us, for those are the ones whom Jesus came to seek and to save--not explorers, not adventurers--lost people.
- Sep 19, 2021How Long Will You Waver?
Sep 19, 2021How Long Will You Waver?One of the greatest keys to enduring success is learning how to make the right kind of decisions. And our lives are not a matter of chance, but choice. In this message, Pastor Chris exhorts us from 1 Kings 18:18 - 21 to make the choice to choose Jesus. He reminds us that God did give us the freedom to make any decision we want; but, with every decision, there is a consequence.
- Sep 12, 2021Being the Person God Can Use
Sep 12, 2021Being the Person God Can UseThere is much unrealized potential in many lives, but that is not how God created us. Pastor Chris, using 1 Kings 19:19 - 21, reminds us that the Lord, Who redeemed us from our sins and restored us into the image of God, has chosen us and has called us for a higher purpose. Pastor Chris lays out three points on how we can realize our purpose in God and live it out to the fullest.
- Sep 5, 2021Hit the Ground Running – Part 4
Sep 5, 2021Hit the Ground Running – Part 4Series: Hit the Ground RunningThis is Part 4 of our "Hit the Ground Running" series. In this message, Bishop Phil Russell gives us four points for maturing in compassion and faith.
- Sep 3, 2021Hit the Ground Running – Part 3
Sep 3, 2021Hit the Ground Running – Part 3By: Linda LongSeries: Hit the Ground RunningThis is Part 3 of our "Hit the Ground Running" series. In this message, Linda Long discusses how we can run our race effectively.
- Sep 2, 2021Hit the Ground Running – Part 2
Sep 2, 2021Hit the Ground Running – Part 2Series: Hit the Ground RunningThis is Part 2 of our "Hit the Ground Running" series. In this message, Wade Urban, of Restoration Ministries, reminds us of our identity in Christ and how to be effective ministers of the Gospel.
- Sep 1, 2021Hit the Ground Running – Part 1
Sep 1, 2021Hit the Ground Running – Part 1Series: Hit the Ground RunningThis is Part 1 of our "Hit the Ground Running" series. This powerful, hard-hitting message was preached by Pastor Richard Ware of Higher Praise Worship Center in Connersville, IN.
- Aug 29, 2021Breaking Free: It’s a New Day
Aug 29, 2021Breaking Free: It’s a New DaySeries: Breaking FreeThe word "new" fills Scripture with the understanding of the synonymousness of God's grace and power that is constantly bringing freshness to our lives. We need to avoid spiritual staleness and not allow our faith to become moldy. In this final message of the "Breaking Free" series, Pastor Chris encourages us from Isaiah 52:1 & 2, with five things that God is saying on how we can avoid the attitude of "oldness" and shake off the "weight...which so easily ensnares us".
- Aug 22, 2021Breaking Free From Shame
Aug 22, 2021Breaking Free From ShameSeries: Breaking FreeShame--that acute sense of failure, unworthiness, embarrassment, the emotional residue of sin. It can be overwhelming. In this message, Pastor Chris gives us hope from 1 John 3:19 & 20 and reminds us that Jesus came and gave His life to set us free from the residue of sin. And that there is deliverance from the shame of the past.
- Aug 15, 2021Breaking Free From Poverty
Aug 15, 2021Breaking Free From PovertySeries: Breaking FreeJesus came to liberate all of us from the bondage of poverty--spiritual, emotional, social, and financial poverty. According to Luke 4:16 - 19, Jesus came to make us whole, completely free, not just save us from hell fire. Pastor Chris shows us that the spirit of prosperity begins with generosity and a trust in God as our Provider. And he reminds us that the reason for God's blessing on our lives is so that we can be a blessing to those around us.
- Aug 8, 2021Breaking Free From Strongholds
Aug 8, 2021Breaking Free From StrongholdsSeries: Breaking FreeThe faith life we live is a spiritual war; we are in a fight with a real enemy. Paul tells us to "fight the good fight of faith". If we are to fight and be victorious, we must learn to demolish strongholds. In this message, Pastor Chris references 2 Corinthians 10:3 - 5 and shows us five way in which we can demolish strongholds and live a victorious, though not necessarily easy, life.
- Aug 1, 2021Breaking Free From the Mundane
Aug 1, 2021Breaking Free From the MundaneSeries: Breaking FreeWe are living in an hour when people are needing and actively searching for divine direction, even if it does not come from God. Therefore, there is greater need than ever before for believers in the Church to move into the realms of the gifts. In this message, Pastor Chris, in referencing Revelation 2 and 3, urges us to have ears to hear what Spirit is saying, so that we can be the desperately needed prophetic voices, speaking God's life and wisdom into a lost and hurting world.