Mar 7, 2021

Redeemed by the Blood
During this service, Pastor Chris reminds us that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22). And because Jesus laid down His life at the cross, He alone can wash away our sins. He alone can do in us what has to be done, that we cannot do for us and ours. He came to redeem us from our fallen nature, to reconcile us to God. And, as Scripture proclaims, "...God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
- Mar 7, 2021Redeemed by the Blood
Mar 7, 2021Redeemed by the BloodDuring this service, Pastor Chris reminds us that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22). And because Jesus laid down His life at the cross, He alone can wash away our sins. He alone can do in us what has to be done, that we cannot do for us and ours. He came to redeem us from our fallen nature, to reconcile us to God. And, as Scripture proclaims, "...God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
- Feb 28, 2021When Fire Comes – Part 2
Feb 28, 2021When Fire Comes – Part 2Series: Let the Church Be the ChurchIn this continuation of the "Let the Church Be the Church" series, Pastor Chris goes further into his message on the imagery of fire regarding the Church's anointing. Looking at Luke 3:15 - 18 and Luke 12:49 - 53 again, he discusses that the fire of God is what we long for and desire, but we must also be vigilant to not let the fire of sin consume us.
- Feb 21, 2021Fear No Evil
Feb 21, 2021Fear No EvilWe know that evil does exist, and it can seem to be so much greater than we are and it can look overwhelming. Is there anything we can do to make a difference against it? In this message, Pastor Chris encourages us from Psalm 23, highlighting verse 4. He reminds us that even in the midst of the darkness, we can fear no evil. There is an enemy, but we need not fear because the Greater One is with us.
- Feb 7, 2021When Fire Comes
Feb 7, 2021When Fire ComesSeries: Let the Church Be the Church"The human spirit fails unless the Holy Spirit fills." -Dr. E. Stanley Jones. Our Spirit-filled progenitors were men and women with a fire for the things of God. If we hope to make a difference spiritually in other's lives, we are going to have to be a people of the Spirit and a people of fire. In this message, Pastor Chris, referencing Luke 3:15 - 18 and Luke 12:49 - 53, exhorts us that our greatest need is not for new facilities or fancier programs or greater techniques, but rather, a coal off the Heavenly altar to cleanse our lips and ignite our lives. Prior to the message, we hear the Word of the Lord that came forth during this service.
- Jan 24, 2021When Revival Comes
Jan 24, 2021When Revival ComesSeries: Let the Church Be the ChurchRevival means "to come back to life," "a spiritual awakening," "a returning to God." One of the greatest misconceptions of revival is that it is only needed by those who have fallen away from God. On the contrary, every believer needs seasons of renewal, of fresh visitations from God. Without these, we will struggle or possibly not even be able to accomplish what God has for us to do. Referencing Revelation 2:1 - 7, Pastor Chris highlights three marks of true revival.
- Jan 17, 2021Let Us Pray
Jan 17, 2021Let Us PrayAs we see our country seemingly coming apart at the seams, it can be easy to get discouraged or wonder if anything can be done. As Pastor Chris brings this timely message, he references Daniel 10:1 - 3 and reminds us of the powerful tool we have called "fasting". He calls us to fast, pray and earnestly seek God during this particular time in our nation.
- Jan 10, 2021The Spirit of Winning
Jan 10, 2021The Spirit of WinningSeries: Let the Church Be the ChurchWinston Churchill is noted to have said that "Success is going from one failure unto another without losing your enthusiasm." The Church needs to have that kind of attitude, the kind of spirit that we see Caleb have in Joshua 14:6 - 14--a spirit that gets God's attention when push comes to shove, a spirit that speaks God's Word when everyone else is speaking negatively. In this message, Pastor Chris points out four lessons for life that we learn from Caleb.
- Jan 3, 2021First Things First
Jan 3, 2021First Things FirstOne of the most important lessons for life is setting and maintaining priorities. And the thread which should run throughout every one of those priorities is the Kingdom of God. In this message, Pastor Chris looks deeper into Matthew 6:33 & 34 and shows three ways in which we can seek God's Kingdom first. He encourages us that if we keep our relationship and our walk with God where it rightly belongs, He will help us to keep everything else in its appropriate focus.
- Dec 27, 2020I Am Because of Who Christ Is
Dec 27, 2020I Am Because of Who Christ IsIn this message, Pastor Anthony reminds us of who we are in Christ Jesus, based on Scripture. We must get back to making Jesus the center of all we do and take Him from the peripheral of life to our main focus.
- Dec 13, 2020Born In a Manger, Raised On a Cross
Dec 13, 2020Born In a Manger, Raised On a CrossWe cannot forget, in the wander of the Christmas season, in seeing the nativity recreations, that the manger is indivisibly connected to the cross. As Pastor Chris reminds us from John 3:1 - 17, the baby found in a manger at Bethlehem was born to die on the cross of Calvary, to be the Savior for all. Jesus is the expression of God's love for every single person.
- Dec 6, 2020Launch Out Into the Deep
Dec 6, 2020Launch Out Into the DeepJesus calls us to take an adventure of faith with Him, going deeper into the things of God, all to be used for His glory. No matter how long a believer has walked with God, there are deeper depths for him or her. So what kind of people does God use for His glory? In this message, Pastor Chris references Luke 5:1 - 11 to describe the five kinds of people that God uses and wants to take deeper into Him.
- Nov 29, 2020Beating Babylon
Nov 29, 2020Beating BabylonIs life just the pursuit of being happy? Tragically, in the world, and even in the Church, people are pursuing happiness rather than holiness. Our great challenge as believers today is battling to beat Babylon--not losing our pursuit of holiness for the pursuit of happiness. In this message, Pastor Chris gives us three great keys to live a holy life in the midst of Babylon, just as Daniel did in Daniel 1:1 - 8.
- Nov 22, 2020Heart Matters
Nov 22, 2020Heart MattersIn this message, Pastor Chris looks at Proverbs 4:23 and gives us five ways in which we can be diligent with what pertains to our heart. As he explains, when the Bible references the heart, it is referring to the essence of our being, our true inner self, not the physical muscle. As the world grows darker and farther away from God, it is imperative that we be dedicated to keeping our heart tethered to God's heart.
- Nov 15, 2020The Lord Is On Your Side
Nov 15, 2020The Lord Is On Your SideAs believers, we have reason to rejoice and not be anxious. In this encouraging message, Pastor Anthony walks through Philippians 4:4 - 9 and reminds us Who is on our side. Nothing going on in this world has taken God by surprise and He is sovereign over all. To remain strong and courageous in this world, our focus must remain on Him.
- Nov 8, 2020The Throne of Grace
Nov 8, 2020The Throne of GraceGod is not a long ways off and He is not someplace where we cannot find Him. He gave us the remedy to the sense of disconnection and separation we battle at times in our life. Pastor Chris reminds us, as we see in Hebrews 4:14 - 16, that God made a bridge for us--Jesus, our High Priest. And God Himself implores us to come boldly, confidently, to the throne of grace to find our help.
- Nov 1, 2020When Hope Fades
Nov 1, 2020When Hope FadesHopelessness is a silent killer--robbing our joy and peace, ultimately leading to despair, where no relief seems forthcoming. Is there a remedy? In this timely and timeless message, Pastor Chris looks at the life of the weeping prophet Jeremiah. In Jeremiah 33:1 - 3, we find three ways in which God infuses hope in the most dire of circumstances. When we radiate hope, it fills us and our environment and praise arises, reminding us that all things are possible with God.
- Oct 25, 2020Have You Heard From God Lately?
Oct 25, 2020Have You Heard From God Lately?Does God truly speak to people today? How do we know when it is Him speaking? Every person on a path to follow God asks these questions. In this message, Pastor Chris walks us through these queries, referencing Isaiah 30:19 & 21. He shows us five ways in which God speaks and gives us three practical things to do in order to hear from God. He also reminds us that the greatest aspect of prayer is not what we say to God, but what He says to us.
- Oct 18, 2020Contentment In the Age of Consumerism
Oct 18, 2020Contentment In the Age of ConsumerismWe are inundated on all sides, everyday, with the temptation to accumulate more stuff, which robs us of contentment and convinces us that our happiness is based on how much of that stuff we have. Somehow, we must remind ourselves that the greatest things in life are not things at all and that God calls us to be content with what we currently have. To combat this pressure, Pastor Chris lays out three strategies from Hebrews 13:5 & 6 so that we can say, as Paul said, "I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content."
- Oct 11, 2020It’s Not Your Time
- Oct 4, 2020Fear Not, Only Believe
Oct 4, 2020Fear Not, Only BelieveWe all experience fear, some on a daily basis, ranging from mild attacks to panic attacks. It is meant to paralyze us, limit our faith, jeopardize our health and stifle our joy. Fear fights against the very critical aspect of faith that we are taught to live our lives by. So what is the antidote to fear? Pastor Chris gives us three points from the record of Jairus and the woman with the issue of blood we encounter in Luke 8:40 - 56. We must learn to use this antidote and not allow fear to incapacitate us.