May 29, 2019

Embracing Excellence 2
By: Chris Cain
Series: Ways To a Better Life
In his continuation of the "Ways To a Better Life" series, Chris expands on the first point: embracing excellence. In Part 1, we learned we need a mission to be excellent. Today, using Matthew 28:18 - 20 for reference, we learn that we also need a master plan and we need to manage well what we have.
- May 29, 2019Embracing Excellence 2
May 29, 2019Embracing Excellence 2By: Chris CainSeries: Ways To a Better LifeIn his continuation of the "Ways To a Better Life" series, Chris expands on the first point: embracing excellence. In Part 1, we learned we need a mission to be excellent. Today, using Matthew 28:18 - 20 for reference, we learn that we also need a master plan and we need to manage well what we have.
- May 26, 2019Holy Ghost & Power 2
May 26, 2019Holy Ghost & Power 2By: Chris CainSeries: Holy Ghost & PowerIn his second part to "Holy Ghost & Power," Chris revisits 1 Peter 4:7 - 11 and expands it to answer the question, "What is this doing for us?" He reminds us that as we spend ourselves for God, it is critical that we heed Ephesians 5:18 and continually be filled with Holy Ghost power.
- May 22, 2019Embracing Excellence 1
May 22, 2019Embracing Excellence 1By: Chris CainSeries: Ways To a Better LifeExcellence is the key to success in any endeavor. In taking Colossians 3:23 to heart, Chris exhorts us to strive to be the best we can be while not trying to be someone else. God created us for excellence; Jesus deserves our excellence; Holy Spirit empowers us to be excellent.
- May 19, 2019Holy Ghost & Power 1
May 19, 2019Holy Ghost & Power 1By: Chris CainSeries: Holy Ghost & PowerIf God does anything in the remaining years of our lives, should He tarry, it is going to be infused with Pentecostal power, charismatic renewal, and full-Gospel endowment. Looking at 1 Peter 4:7 - 11, Chris shows us that we must have the empowerment of Holy Ghost to be effective.
- May 15, 2019His Love Makes Us Brave
May 15, 2019His Love Makes Us BraveBy: Chris CainEncouraging us with Philippians 4:10 - 19, Chris reminds us that we need to understand the importance of God's will in all the situations we find ourselves. He is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. Therefore, His will may leave things differently than we would have left them. But, we must learn to submit our will to His and allow His love to make us brave. To hear the full song referenced in this message, follow this link.
- May 12, 2019The Ministry of Motherhood
May 12, 2019The Ministry of MotherhoodBy: Chris CainAbraham Lincoln said, "All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother." In this Mother's Day message, from 1 Peter 3:1 - 6, Chris makes an acrostic with A.N.G.E.L. We look at how mothers, in any form--biological, step, spiritual--are vital and their ministry is necessary to us and our world today.
- May 8, 2019The Barbarians Are Here
May 8, 2019The Barbarians Are HereBy: Chris CainReferencing 1 Corinthians 1:18 - 31, Chris reminds us that we cannot compromise the Gospel message thinking that we will attract more people. We must preach the Gospel with power, which is what will capture people's attention.
- May 5, 2019Looking for Disciples
May 5, 2019Looking for DisciplesBy: Chris CainIn his continuation of the "Fearless" series, Chris looks at Mark 1:16 - 20, and Luke 6:12 - 16. He reminds us that our lives need to be so deep in God and so full of God that, like a fruitful bough, our lives extend over into others lives with Jesus. Jesus is not simply looking for believers; He wants disciples, those whom He can bring close.
- May 1, 2019Mandates For the Last Days
May 1, 2019Mandates For the Last DaysBy: Chris CainWhat kind of lives are believers to live in the context of the last days? Chris answers that question and shows three mandates from the book of Jude 1 that believers must ingraft into their lives to be effective in these last days.
- Apr 28, 2019Seeking God In the Age of Self
Apr 28, 2019Seeking God In the Age of SelfBy: Chris CainIn this message, Chris references Psalm 63 and looks at our need to seek God in this age of self. If there is going to be real revival in our hour, we have to become less impressed with ourselves and recognize how much we need God. The more we focus on ourselves, the less we focus on God. And when we make it all about us, we are then limited to our abilities and resources.
- Apr 24, 2019After the Revival
Apr 24, 2019After the RevivalBy: Chris CainWhat do you do after the revival? After God has shown up? Is church a process or an event? Referencing Matthew 16:13 - 26, Chris shows us three things to which we need to pay attention after we have experienced a move of God. We must remember that our greatest temptation is not when things are going bad, but when things are going well for us.
- Apr 21, 2019Who Moved the Stone?
Apr 21, 2019Who Moved the Stone?By: Chris CainSeries: Fanning the FlameWrapping up the "Fanning the Flame" services, Chris brings us a message entitled "Who Moved the Stone?" Referencing 1 Corinthians 15:1 - 10, he breaks the Gospel down into three things: Christ died for our sins; He was buried and rose again; and He was seen after the resurrection--He was encountered.
- Apr 20, 2019Fanning the Flame – Message 3
Apr 20, 2019Fanning the Flame – Message 3Series: Fanning the FlameIn this message from our "Fanning the Flame" services, Bishop Rick Helton references the Layman's Revival of 1857. He encourages us to stay in prayer because that is what brings the revival. And as we get revived ourselves, it will spread to our families, community, and world.
- Apr 19, 2019Fanning the Flame – Message 2
Apr 19, 2019Fanning the Flame – Message 2Series: Fanning the FlameIn this "Fanning the Flame" service, referencing Psalm 53:2 - 3, Pastor Richard Ware shows us the purpose of the flame in us. He reminds us that seeking God is intentional. And, the flame that burns in us was made by God, not us. That is why there is a pull in us towards Him.
- Apr 18, 2019Fanning the Flame – Message 1
Apr 18, 2019Fanning the Flame – Message 1By: Wade UrbanSeries: Fanning the FlameDuring our "Fanning the Flame" services, we hear from Wade and Connie Urban. Wade shows us several symbolic uses of fire found in Scripture and aspects of fire. He shows us that fire falls on sacrifice and wherever there is a fire, there is evidence of its existence.
- Apr 14, 2019Per Aspera Ad Astra
- Apr 7, 2019Prayer & Fasting Q & A
Apr 7, 2019Prayer & Fasting Q & ABy: Chris CainIn this message, Chris wraps up the "Prayer & Fasting" series with a fasting Q & A. He answers the questions that came in from the church family regarding fasting.
- Mar 31, 2019What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do
Mar 31, 2019What To Do When You Don’t Know What To DoBy: Chris CainWhat do you do when you don't know what to do? In this message, Chris shows us three things from the account of King Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20:1 - 26 that we can use in those time when our situation seems overwhelming.
- Mar 24, 2019Prayer & Fasting – Part 2
Mar 24, 2019Prayer & Fasting – Part 2By: Chris CainIn our continuation of the study of fasting, Chris references Matthew 6:1 - 21. He reminds us that we shouldn't be surprised that when we determine to press into God, we encounter opposition. How should we react to that opposition? We must employ our three main weapons of faith--the Word of God, the Name of Jesus, and the blood of the Lamb--through confession, fasting, and prayer.
- Mar 17, 2019Prayer & Fasting – Part 1
Mar 17, 2019Prayer & Fasting – Part 1By: Chris CainOne of the greatest resources, but most neglected, of all spiritual disciplines is fasting. Jesus spoke about the three secret aspects of a disciple's life. He said, "WHEN you give...WHEN you pray...WHEN you fast." Not IF. As we look at Matthew 17:14 - 21, Chris reminds us of the power available through the discipline of fasting and encourages us to press in for "10 Days to Triumph" leading up to our revival services.